
Please check my scholar page for up2date papers:  https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=FAOtbV4AAAAJ 


Social-Implicit: Rethinking Trajectory Prediction Evaluation and The Effectiveness of Implicit Maximum Likelihood Estimation, preprint

Abduallah Mohamed, Deyao Zhu, Warren Vu, Mohamed Elhoseiny*, Christian Claudel*

*Equal advising

Paper, Code, Interactive Demo

HAR-GCNN: Deep Graph CNNs for Human Activity Recognition From Highly Unlabeled Mobile Sensor Data, IEEE PerCom 2022, CoMoRea

Abduallah Mohamed, Fernando Lejarza, Stephanie Cahail,  Christian Claudel, Edison Thomaz

Paper, Code


Skeleton-Graph: Long-Term 3D Motion Prediction From 2D Observations Using Deep Spatio-Temporal Graph CNNs Code instructions, ICCV 2021 Workshops, ROAD

Abduallah Mohamed, Huancheng Chen, Zhangyang Wang, Christian Claudel

Paper, Code

Putting Safety of Intended Functionality SOTIF into Practice, SAE 2021

Amr Abdulazim, Moustafa Elbahaey, Abduallah Mohamed



Inner Ensemble Nets, Under Review

Abduallah Mohamed, Muhammed Mohaimin Sadiq, Ehab AlBadawy, Mohamed Elhoseiny* , Christian Claudel*

*Equal advising

Paper, Code

Social-STGCNN: A Social Spatio-Temporal Graph Convolutional Neural Network for Human Trajectory Prediction, CVPR 2020

Abduallah Mohamed, Kun Qian, Mohamed Elhoseiny* , Christian Claudel*

*Equal advising

Paper, Code, YouTube


Physics Informed Data Driven model for Flood Prediction: Application of Deep Learning in prediction of urban flood development, submitted

Kun Qian, Abduallah Mohamed, Christian Claudel



An IMU-based traffic and road condition monitoring system, HardwareX 

Tian Lei, Abduallah Mohamed, Christian Claudel 


IEA: Inner Ensemble Average within a convolutional neural network, on going

Abduallah Mohamed, Xinrui Hua, Xianda Zhou, Christian Claudel 


MCRM: Mother Compact Recurrent Memory, on going

Abduallah Mohamed,  Christian Claudel 

Paper, Code


Locating an object in an environment of a motor vehicle by means of an ultrasonic sensor system.  Patent

Issued Mar 22, 2018, DE102017101476B3 

Abduallah Adel, Ahmad El-Sallab, Ahmed Kotb, Ahmed NourEldeen 
